From The Parking Lot
I was given a very unique opportunity. My Aunt's brother, Captain Richard K. Mayne USN, had been director of operations for some time at the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center. He had just been informed that he was going to become the new Deputy Director of Operations for the U.S. Space Command. This meant if we were ever planning on coming to see the mountain, we had better do it then.
I was asked specifically not to take my Minox cameras in with me (this would have been bad, with a capitol B!), so I didn't even bother to take extra film. I was going to leave the camera in my luggage at the meeting point. Lo and behold, I find out pictures of the outside may not be out of the question. With only two shots left in a factory loaded cartridge, I just about had a fit. Fortunately the roll ran a bit long, and here are the results.
Camera: Minox B
Film: Minocolor Pro 100
Processing: MPL with scan to