Connecting SharePoint to NextCloud

Nextcloud to SharePoint Connection

I have been looking for days trying to solve an issue with connecting my NextCloud instance with a SharePoint instance. The problem is, while there is a module, there is very little documentation, and it doesn’t even tell you how to format the information in the blocks.

Right now I am focused on dealing with a folder in the root of the SharePoint 365 instance.  I will deal with sites in a bit.

  1. MAKE SURE YOU ADD THE EXTERNAL STORAGE APP TO NEXT CLOUD BEFORE ADDING THE SHAREPOINT BACKEND APP. If you fail to do this, you will brick your NextCloud instance, and have all kinds of fun figuring that one out.
  2. For the Host field, format it like this
    Yes you need the https:// even if you get the green check mark without it. Don’t believe it. It is fooling you
  3. For the Document Library, at this point all I have been able to get to work is Documents. No sub folders. No slashes. No leading information. No “Shared Documents”, despite that being what it says in the URL. Just Documents.
  4. Username is probably an email address. It is whatever you use as your username to login to the instance via a browser.
  5. Password is similarly, just whatever you use to login via a browser.

That was it. That was how I was able to get it to work. Now, I really need it to get into a site. You know, where it has /sites/somesitenamehere after the URL. I am going to work that now. For now, hope is alive. It connected without any code changes or trickery.

Here is hoping this helps someone!

An Addendum!

So getting it to connect to a sub-site was easier than I was imagining.

All it took was formatting it like so:

That is it. No changes to the rest of it. No trailing slashes. No including it in the Document Library name. Just keep it simple.

If you need to share a specific folder in that Document Library, limit access to yourself in NextCloud to the Document Library, then share ONLY that needed folder. I believe that will work.


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